In recent years, the Miss USA contest has been plagued by controversies and scandals, including allegations of favoritism towards specific contestants.

—By Anuj Kumar 

Less than a week after Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava resigned, the runner-up, Miss Teen New York Stephanie Skinner, has declined the crown as well.

— By Anuj Kumar

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA organizers face backlash as Noelia Voigt and Ms. Srivastava resign within days, citing mental health concerns.

-By Anuj Kumar 

Ms. Skinner defended her decision, stating, "While becoming Miss Teen USA was a dream, I've worked tirelessly and made significant sacrifices for it."

-By Anuj Kumar

The 19-year-old, a rising junior at the Wharton School, prioritizes her professional goals above all else.

-By Anuj Kumar

In recent years, the Miss USA contest has been marred by numerous controversies and scandals, including allegations of favoritism towards specific contestants.

-By Anuj Kumar

The organization later dismissed those claims, but former Miss USA Crystle Stewart, serving as president, resigned.

-By Anuj Kumar 

Her husband Max Sebrechts, the organization's former vice president, departed amidst past contestants' sexual harassment allegations.

-By Anuj Kumar